Physical Symptoms of Anxiety in Teens

When teenagers become stressed and anxious, their body responds in much the same way as it would if there was a physical threat – these responses are intended to keep them alert and focused and ready to run, which was great back when we faced physical threats like lions and tigers and wooly mammoths, but it\’s not so helpful on the first day of school or when waiting for the results of an important exam! These symptoms of anxiety can be exacerbated by the worry that someone at school is going to notice and judge.

Common physical symptoms of anxiety include:

  • Pounding heart, sweating
  • Headaches, stomach upset, or dizziness
  • Frequent urination or diarrhea
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle tension, tremors, and twitches
  • Fatigue or insomnia

Because of these physical symptoms, many people mistake anxiety for other diseases or disorders. On the flipside of that, many of these physical symptoms can be related to other health issues, so even if you think it\’s just anxiety – it\’s still important to have a chat with your doctor. If it is just anxiety, they\’ll be able to offer solutions to that; if it\’s something more, they\’ll be able to help you on your way to a calmer, happier life using different range of strategies and solutions.

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