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Tired of feeling tired?

It’s normal to slow down or feel overworked on occasion, but ongoing fatigue or low energy can be a warning signal of an underlying body imbalance. A Functional Medicine approach explores how, why and what you can do to rebuild your energy and so you can get back into life.

Your Functional Road Map to restoring energy

The functional wellness approach restores your energy by connecting the dots, treating root causes and overlapping symptoms. We rebalance your biochemistry, adrenals, hormones, nutrients and brain chemicals to restore your energy and wellbeing.

Start enjoying the energy you deserve

I restore your energy so you can be your best. I motivate positive life changes and empower you to take control of your health. Having experienced a complete adrenal crash and burnout at 29, I know what it’s like to feel tired, exhausted. My ‘breakdown’ was my breakthrough. I completely changed my life, embraced whole-food, healthy living, natural therapies, dealt with ‘my issues’ and retrained as a naturopath and clinical nutritionist. It’s now my mission to educate and support others to live full and happy lives.

Are you ready to experience real energy again?

Imagine how different your life could be if you had real energy. You wake up refreshed, looking forward to the day, knowing you have enough energy to do all the things you want to do. You think clearly, feel strong and in control. You live life to the full. This life could be yours.

How I help

With a wealth of experience behind me, I apply comprehensive assessments, targeted treatment, and personalised care to get your energy and health back, so you can move forward.
fatigue chronic

Chronic Fatigue

Chronic Fatigue is a debilitating disorder that leaves you feeling exhausted, no matter how much rest you get. All body systems are affected and there can be many underlying causes and contributors to address. With my expert support, you can start to feel yourself again.


Stress & Adrenal Fatigue

Prolonged stress can disrupt the adrenal gland’s stress hormone production leading to Adrenal Fatigue, ongoing tiredness, burnout, stress intolerance, sleep and mood issues. I work to rebuild your adrenals, energy and nervous system to get you back into control and enjoy living your life to the full.
fatigue pain


I address the underlying drivers of fibromyalgia and chronic pain conditions to help resolve, manage and break your pain cycle. I also help transform emotions, mindset and beliefs that may keep you stuck in the cycle of pain cycle so you can live comfortably, free from debilitating pain.

Your personal detective – finding root causes

My job is to connect the dots, identify underlying causes, work out which aspects are relevant to you, and determine the most effective ways for you to move forwards. 

I always investigate the following for my clients with ongoing fatigue.


  • Insomnia, sleep apnoea, pain
  • Thyroid, hormonal and blood sugar imbalances
  • Poor diet, nutrient deficiencies, aneamia
  • Gut issues, dysbiosis, IBS, leaky gut, food allergies
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Toxin overload, medication side effects, environmental stressors
  • Infections, viruses, mould illness. 
  • Genetics: methylation, COMT, MTHFR issues  
  • Histamine intolerance. 


  • Mental health conditions: e.g. depression, ADHD, anxiety 
  • Chronic stress, emotional shock, trauma,  
  • Personality types, negative behavioural traits and thought patterns, energy prioritisation, life purpose, unprocessed trauma, emotional well-being   


  • alcohol, drugs, exercise, caffeine, night or shift work 
  • social connections, support, loneliness, isolation 

Compassionate, Personalised Care, Effective Results

A combination of nutrition, diet, nutrigenomics, herbal medicine, gut, immune and hormone balancing, behavioural and lifestyle changes are implemented to suit your needs.

Unique to functional wellness are therapeutic coaching and therapies that rewire your nervous system, retrain your brain, provide emotional and trauma healing, positive mindset and behaviour changes, to promote true healing with long-lasting results.

Therapies include: Butekyo breathing, vagus nerve and somatic body techniques, Mindfulness, HeartMath, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, tapping), Matrix Reimprinting, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) and Neurofeedback brain training.

Carolyn’s genuine concern for my health, her belief and positive attitude in my ability to recover, plus her thoroughness in finding and treating the underlying issues helped me return to work as I’m no longer fatigued. I feel strong, full of energy, sleep well, my digestion has improved and am better able to handle life. 
Erin M, 34

Your functional roadmap to restoring energy.

Carolyn offers in person and online consults.
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