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Break free from anxiety. Find your inner calm.

For people with anxiety disorders, worry and fear are constant and overwhelming, and can be crippling.

Your functional roadmap to overcome anxiety

Using the functional wellness process as the basis, care is tailored to relieve and resolve your anxiety.

I am passionate about treating anxiety having suffered with it most of my life. By treating ADHD, methylation, pyrroles, gut, hormones, stress and healing “my issues”, I live anxiety-free. I am now on a mission to help others get freedom from anxiety!

It’s normal to feel anxious at times, especially when faced with new or stressful situations. These feelings usually pass when the stress passes, but for those struggling with anxiety these feelings continue, and they experience excessive worry and nervousness that’s out of proportion to everyday events.

Left untreated anxiety can be crippling, impairing quality of life and leading to other mental health issues. Depression and anxiety often coexist.

Anxiety affects 1 in 4 Australians, affecting twice as many women than men and nearly 1 in 3 teenagers (Beyond Blue). These numbers are rising, especially following the Covid-pandemic. If you’re struggling with anxiety and a mind that just doesn’t stop, please reach out to find out how we can help.

Anxiety disorder types include panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, health anxiety, phobias and generalized anxiety disorder.

Why choose functional wellness for anxiety?

Compassionate, personalised care, offering a deep toolbox os cutting-edge therapies that really work. Functional wellness delivers understanding, experience and expertise to address underlying causes to effectively relieve, then resolve, your anxiety.

I relieve your symptoms while working on your deeper issues.

Anxiety symptoms:

Obsessive racy thinking, compulsive behaviour, chest tightness or pain, racing heart rate, hot and cold flushes, shallow or difficulty breathing, constant worrying, muscle tension, insomnia, avoidance of social situations, panic.

Unique Therapeutic Wellness Coaching and Mind-body, Neurofeedback Therapies

I offer a safe space and the tools to help people change, grow and heal. Using my skills in NLP, hypnotherapy, emotional freedom technique, vagus nerve therapy, Butekyo breathing, emotional healing, trauma release, mindfulness, stress reduction, heart rate variability and neurofeedback I help rewire the brain and nervous system for optimal emotional, physical and mental health.

Finding underlying, root causes

My job is to connect the dots, identify underlying causes, work out the main issues affecting you, and determine the most effective ways to resolve your anxiety.

Address Biochemical Imbalances

Understanding the interconnectedness of body systems, biochemistry and effects on neurotransmitters is pivotal as imbalances play a key role in anxiety.

What are Neurotransmitters?

Neurotransmitters are brain chemical messengers, sending information all over the body regulating how we feel, think and act. Neurotransmitters include serotonin, dopamine, GABA, acetylcholine, histamine, and adrenaline and noradrenaline.
Neurotransmitters are affected by stress, trauma, inflammation, hormones, poor gut health, genetics, toxins, infections, nutrient deficiencies, obesity, blood sugar and biochemical imbalances. Testing to identify biological drivers that contribute to anxiety, uncovers any imbalances that we need to address.

How I help

I Investigate these drivers of anxiety

Genetics, Methylation, MTHFR and Histamine Intolerance

Methylation is an essential biochemical process involved in the production of serotonin, dopamine and managing histamine. Most people have genetic issues (e.g. MTHFR, COMT) affecting methylation. Using targeted testing, nutrient and amino acid therapy we can optimise your methylation and improve anxiety. As a skilled methylation practitioner, I prescribe the right forms, combination, dose and timing of nutrients to safely support your recovery.

Genetic testing can help assess risk factors for mental health and anxiety. I provide specialist genetic analysis and detailed reports and treatment suggestions to address your risks.

Pyrrole Disorder

In 2012 I discovered I had Pyrrole Disorder, a total game changer that significantly reduced my anxiety, and have specialised in treating ‘pyrroles’ ever since. Pyrroles deplete vitamin B6 and zinc (plus a few other nutrients), essential cofactors in producing GABA (anti-anxiety), serotonin and dopamine, plus progesterone our calming hormone. Pyrroles is associated with anxiety, ADHD (cognitive and concentration issues), insomnia, learning disorders like dyslexia, PMT, mood imbalances, sensory issues; noise/light/texture sensitivities, fussy eating, nervous twitching and gut issues.

Clinical Nutrition and Diet

Diet directly impacts your brain and gut (second brain). Nutritional deficiencies (low intake, poor digestion) can reduce neurotransmitter production, increase inflammation and impair brain function. Foods high in sugar, gluten, dairy, histamine, glutamate, oxalates, sulfites, preservatives, fodmaps and inflammatory foods can trigger anxiety in some people.

Therapeutic nutritional and diet interventions are personalised to address food reactions, nutrient deficiencies, specific underlying causes and provide cofactor nutrients and amino acids for mood regulation and optimal brain function.

Trauma, Stress and Emotions

Trauma and chronic stress lead to constant nervous system activation (fight, flight or freeze) or hypervigilance, reduce neurotransmitter production and release excess adrenaline and cortisol, triggering anxiety, agitation, panic and fatigue. Shallow, disordered breathing also contributes to higher anxiety.

Unique to functional wellness are therapeutic coaching and therapies that rebalance your nervous system, retrain your brain, provide emotional and trauma healing, mindset and behaviour changes, to promote get you anxiety-free.


Toxins can increase or trigger anxiety. Effectively addressing toxins from infections, heavy metals, viruses, yeast, mould, parasites, gut bacteria and environmental toxins is essential to whole body healing. Testing to identify toxins provides a targeted approach.

Gut Health

The Gut-Brain Axis (via vagus nerve) is a 2-way communication pathway: the brain affects gut – gut affects the brain. I have extensive experience treating complex gut issues: SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), parasites, dysbiosis (bacteria imbalance), food allergies and leaky gut, all associated with anxiety and panic disorders. In turn, anxiety can cause gut hypersensitivity and IBS symptoms (stool changes, bloating, gas, heartburn) further affecting brain health.


Balancing hormones is essential for good mental health.

Low thyroid function can lower mood, while an overactive thyroid can cause anxiety and panic. Dysregulated blood sugar, reactive hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can trigger anxiety. I always ensure blood sugar and insulin are balanced through diet, lifestyle and specific nutrients.

Estrogen imbalances affect serotonin. Low progesterone can increase anxiety, insomnia and intensify PMS mood issues. During hormonal transition; puberty, pregnancy, perimenopause and menopause, females can experience major hormone fluctuations causing mood changes resulting in anxiety, depression and insomnia.

High prolactin reduces dopamine and lowers progesterone. Prolactin (produces breast milk) may therefore negatively impact breastfeeding mums due to lower dopamine and progesterone.

Oxytocin lowers anxiety and is depleted by high stress, social isolation (pandemic, screen use, social anxiety), low mood, lack of sunlight and exercise, and found to be lower in autism.

I found Carolyn at a time when I was feeling my worst in terms of anxiety and gut issues. Her warmth, care, knowledge, and support really helped me to overcome that difficult period in my life. Since working with Carolyn, I am healthier, more decisive, confident, and positive.
Ashleigh H, 30

Why wait to feel better when you can start right now?

You’re ready to heal and get freedom from anxiety. I’m here to help you.
Discover the possibilities in your life.

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