helping you with...


Simply wired differently

ADHD is a complex, multifactorial condition, with different types, symptoms and contributing factors.

Everyone’s experience is unique. While there’s no known cause, a number of underlying factors genetic, neurological, nutritional, environmental (toxins), trauma play a contributing role.

Your functional roadmap for navigating ADHD

Functional wellness provides an integrated, biomedical, whole systems approach to manage, improve, and in some cases, resolve ADHD symptoms.

Addressing underlying factors and co-existing conditions with effective therapies such as education, diet, clinical nutrition, neurofeedback, coaching resources and strategies, emotional and behavioural tools you can enjoy your unique brain type and be your best self.

How I help

ADHD solutions for kids, teens, adults

Overall, those with ADHD typically respond well when treatment is tailored to specific needs. Rewiring the brain and nervous system with neurofeedback training and other emotional regulation therapies has been successful. The journey requires patience, willingness, and a commitment to stick with the process.

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is challenging.

Deciding whether to take medication is difficult. Many find improvements, but for others, medication doesn’t work or they prefer to explore alternatives. I support my clients either way, offering treatments that work safely alongside medications, also managing any medication side effects. By treating the whole person, and addressing underlying factors we provide age-appropriate, personalised care for more effective outcomes.

Symptoms, or co-existing conditions, can be mild to severe and vary for each person:

  • Lack of focus, concentration, poor performance at school or work  
  • Hyperfocus when interested in something (poor focus if no interest) 
  • Anxiety, trouble sleeping, tiredness, exhausted, low mood  
  • Overwhelm. Heightened sensory awareness and sensitivities, hates change 
  • Impulsivity, emotionally reactive, temper outbursts  
  • Hyperactivity, Trouble keeping still, fidgeting, excessive talking, always moving 
  • A mind that doesn’t stop, hard to relax “do nothing”, be still or bored 
  • Low self-esteem, troubled relationships   
  • Emotional imbalances, mood swings, impatience, frustration 
  • Procrastination, trouble starting or finishing projects  
  • Disorganised. Time blindness (lack of sense of time) 
  • Fussy eating. GUT issues. Poor appetite. IBS. Binge eating. Sugar/carb cravings. 
  • Learning disabilities  

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.

Types of ADHD


The first type of ADHD is the inattentive type presenting with poor focus, disorganisation, inability to stay on task.


The second type is hyperactive and impulsive, with hyperactive or manic energy, fidgeting, restlessness, impulsive behaviour, excessive movement and inappropriate/excessive talk or laughter.


The third is a mixture of both inattentive and hyperactive types of ADHD.
ADHD can persist into adulthood, causing anxiety, depression, fatigue, substance abuse, financial problems, poor job performance and social difficulties.

My ADHD diagnosis changed my life for the better

After a period of grief in accepting my diagnosis and how life could have been so different, I am so grateful to now have the knowledge, support and strategies to really thrive in my life.

I work with kids, teenagers and adults with ADHD. the past 18 months I have worked with families providing specific ADHD strategies and support for kids or teenagers and educating parents and siblings for whole-family healing and support.

I work holistically to address and support all aspects so women can navigate and embrace their ADHD journey to become the best version of themselves and live a life they deserve.

Your ADHD coach, guide, number one supporter

I offer effective therapies specifically designed for ADHD brains. I have a deep therapeutic toolbox to select the most appropriate tools for your unique needs.

Therapies include: specific ADHD coaching strategies, NLP, hypnotherapy, Butekyo Breathing, vagus nerve therapy, somatic experiencing, emotional healing, trauma release, mindfulness, stress reduction, HeartMath and neurofeedback to rewire the brain and nervous system for the most effective outcomes.

We investigate every element to understand your specific drivers

The two key neurotransmitters imbalanced in ADHD are low dopamine (controls movement, reward system, motivation, emotion) and noradrenaline (memory, focus, impulse control). ADHD brain images also show differences in dopamine transport systems and new research suggests genetic issues with dopamine receptors. Often acetylcholine, involved in motor control, attention, learning, memory, is also affected. Advanced nutrient therapy using targeted amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids help correct neurotransmitter activity.

“Pyrroles”, common in ADHD, depletes vitamin B6 and zinc (plus a few other nutrients), essential cofactors producing dopamine and in turn noradrenaline, serotonin and GABA (anti-anxiety) are needed for immunity, methylation, hormonal balance and detoxification. Pyrroles contributes to anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders like dyslexia, mood imbalances, sensory issues; noise/light/texture sensitivities, fussy eating, nervous twitching and gut issues. Kids with high pyrrole levels on testing show classical ADHD symptoms. Pyrrole treatment using targeted nutrients and other therapies delivers significant improvement.

ADHD has a strong genetic component although the exact genes responsible have not yet been identified. Methylation is a biochemical process that helps regulate cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, energy and detoxification systems and cellular DNA replication. Common in ADHD, are genetic abnormalities in MTHFR, which converts folate into methylfolate critical for methylation and production of dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine. Targeted nutrient and amino acid therapy, along with diet and lifestyle modifications are used to optimise methylation. Specific testing can help identify any genetic issues for more targeted treatment.

Current research supports the affect your gut and good bacteria has on brain and mental health. An overgrowth of yeast, bacteria, parasites, changes the way our brain, nervous and immune system function. Leaky gut drives food intolerances and increase toxins that impact brain function and impact detoxification. Diarrhoea (depletes nutrients) and constipation (increases toxins and bad bacteria) both affect mood.
Poor gut health or diet, fussy/picky eating result in nutritional deficiencies. Certain issues, pyrroles, methylation, genetics, hormonal and immune, increase demand for specific nutrients often requiring supplementation. Optimal nutrition supports good physical and mental functioning, growth, development, learning and detoxification.
Food allergies, intolerances, sensitivities can trigger or worsen symptoms. Artificial colourings, preservatives and flavourings can worsen ADHD in sensitive children. Salicylate sensitivity is common in ADHD (and autistic) kids. It typically takes the body 3 weeks to eliminate dairy and 3 months for gluten. Generally, in kids and teens, I see positive changes after 2-3 weeks after removing any reactive foods or ingredients.
Balanced blood sugar levels provide steady brain energy. When blood sugar levels fall, problems arise with moods, frustration, attention, focus and concentration.
Heavy metals or other toxins can deplete nutrient and alter neurological function. High toxicity can worsen focus and attention, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, behaviour, anxiety and insomnia and affect gut health and methylation.

Exercise is vital for mood and dopamine, making it a core ADHD treatment. Assessing and managing stress and healing trauma are also a key part of treating ADHD.

Neurofeedback brain retraining therapy has shown to reduce anxiety, and improve concentration, focus, energy, memory and confidence. Nervous system regulation through neurofeedback supports emotional and behaviour regulation.

Trauma and chronic stress lead to constant nervous system activation (fight, flight or freeze) or hypervigilance, reduce neurotransmitter production and release excess adrenaline and cortisol, triggering anxiety, agitation, panic and fatigue. Shallow, disordered breathing also contributes to nervous system and mood imbalances.

Imbalanced brain chemistry
The 2 key neurotransmitters imbalanced in ADHD are low dopamine (controls movement, reward system, motivation, emotion) and noradrenaline (memory, focus, impulse control). ADHD brain images also show differences in dopamine transport systems. Often acetylcholine, involved in motor control, attention, learning, and memory, is also deficient. Advanced nutrient therapy using targeted amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids helps correct neurotransmitter activity.

Pyrrole Disorder
“Pyrroles”, common in ADHD, depletes vitamin B6 and zinc (plus a few other nutrients), essential cofactors producing dopamine and in turn noradrenaline, serotonin and GABA (anti-anxiety) are needed for immunity, methylation, hormonal balance and detoxification. Pyrroles contributes to anxiety, insomnia, learning disorders like dyslexia, mood imbalances, sensory issues; noise/light/texture sensitivities, fussy eating, nervous twitching and gut issues. Kids with high pyrrole levels on testing show classical ADHD symptoms. Pyrrole treatment using targeted nutrients and other therapies delivers effective improvements.

Genetics and Methylation (MTHFR)
ADHD has a strong genetic component although the exact genes responsible have not yet been identified. Methylation is a biochemical process that helps regulate cardiovascular, neurological, reproductive, energy and detoxification systems and cellular DNA replication. Common in ADHD, are genetic abnormalities in MTHFR, which converts folate into methylfolate critical for methylation and production of dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline and acetylcholine. Targeted nutrient and amino acid therapy, along with diet and lifestyle modifications are used to optimise methylation. Genetic testing for analysis of MTHFR, methylation and other useful markers enables us to specifically address any genetic issues

Gut Dysfunction, Microbiome Imbalances
An overgrowth of yeast, bacteria, and parasites, changes the way our brain, nervous and immune system function. Leaky gut drives food intolerances and increases toxins that impact brain function and impact detoxification. Diarrhoea (depletes nutrients) and constipation (increases toxins and bad bacteria) both affect mood.

Nutritional Deficiencies
Poor gut health or diet, fussy/picky eating result in nutritional deficiencies. Certain issues, pyrroles, methylation, genetics, hormonal and immune, increase demand for specific nutrients often requiring supplementation. Optimal nutrition supports good physical and mental functioning, growth, development, learning and detoxification.

Food allergies, intolerances, sensitivities
Some foods trigger or worsen symptoms. Artificial colourings, preservatives and flavourings can worsen ADHD in sensitive children. Salicylate sensitivity is common in ADHD (and autistic) kids. It typically takes the body 3 weeks to eliminate dairy and 3 months for gluten. Generally, in kids and teens, I see positive changes after 2-3 weeks after removing any reactive foods or ingredients.

Blood Sugar Regulation
Balanced blood sugar levels provide steady brain energy. When blood sugar levels fall, problems arise with moods, frustration, attention, focus and concentration.

Heavy metals or other toxins can deplete nutrients and alter neurological function. High toxicity can worsen focus and attention, temper tantrums, hyperactivity, behaviour, anxiety and insomnia and affect gut health and methylation.

Lifestyle, Stress, Trauma
Exercise is vital for mood and dopamine, making it a core ADHD treatment.
Assessing and managing stress and healing trauma is also a key part of treating ADHD.
Trauma and chronic stress lead to constant nervous system activation (fight, flight or freeze) or hypervigilance, reduce neurotransmitter production and release excess adrenaline and cortisol, triggering anxiety, agitation, panic and fatigue. Shallow, disordered breathing also contributes to nervous system and mood imbalances.

I offer effective therapies in Butekyo Breathing, vagus nerve therapy, emotional healing, trauma release, mindfulness, stress reduction (heart rate variability) and neurofeedback to rewire the brain and nervous system specific for ADHD.

Functional Testing for ADHD

Following a comprehensive case history and assessment we discuss your testing options. The right testing (if needed) helps identify underlying issues for more targeted treatment (test don’t guess).

Over the years, I have found the following tests or assessments to be the most useful: 

  • Comprehensive personal history, ADHD screening tools
  • Assess diet and nutritional status and deficiencies, metabolic markers, via person history, blood or hair testing 
  • Organic Acids Testing (OAT) is one of the most relevant functional ADHD tests. Analyses multiple markers: fungal, yeast, specific bacteria toxins, neurotransmitters, methylation, metabolic, liver mitochondria issues and nutrient cofactors. 
  • Comprehensive microbiome (GUT) testing to review gut function, presence of SIBO, pathogens, microbiome diversity 
  • Diet and nutrition assessment (in clinic)  
  • Food Sensitivity or Allergy Testing 
  • Genetic testing 
  • Environmental toxin, heavy metal testing  

Potential testing needed to identify treatment pathways:

  • Organic Acids – Examines environmental pollutants that may affect our health. 
  • Hair Mineral Analysis – Screens heavy metals, and mineral status 
  • Complete Microbiome Mapping – Assesses gut dysfunction 
  • Food sensitivities and intolerances – This will identify any food triggers 
  • Functional Pathology – Thyroid hormones, sex hormones, and neurotransmitters. 
Carolyn is a knowledgeable, compassionate practitioner who helped me feel my emotions without getting overwhelmed, taught me to self-regulate, stay calm enough to focus on tasks that took a high level of executive functioning. Without it I don’t know how I’d have survived without becoming re-traumatised and unable to function.

Seeing Carolyn was a godsend in such a volatile time of my life. Neurofeedback has become an integral tool on my healing journey, I would highly recommend it to everyone.
Laura Devine Chau, 30
Yoga instructor

Why wait to feel better when you can start right now?

Ready to navigate and embrace your ADHD - I'm here to help you.
Discover the possibilities in your life.

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