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Is fatigue stealing your life?

I understand how debilitating chronic fatigue is. Extreme fatigue can rob you of the life you want to live.
Recovery needs targeted, expert, personal care.

Your Functional Roadmap to Recovery

Chronic fatigue symptoms are often severe, and significantly impair quality of life. Sadly, there’s no single cure, or prescription medicine, that can reverse these life changing symptoms. By getting to the root cause and embracing a whole-body approach, together we can achieve lasting results.

I support you every step of the way

By addressing underlying issues and contributing factors, combined with treating body, mind, emotions, and spirit, I rebuild your energy so you get your life back.


By addressing all contributing body systems and factors and treating body, mind, emotions, and spirit, I rebuild your energy so you get your life back.

Address all contributing body systems and factors; treat body, mind, emotions, and spirit. WE REBUILD YOUR ENERGY TO GET YOUR LIFE BACK

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is a multi-system complex condition, with neurological dysfunction contributing to its ongoing nature.

Symptoms overlap with several other conditions, vary in type and severity, ranging from mild to severe. Clinical assessment, reviewing symptoms and excluding other conditions are used to diagnose CFS.

The maladaptive stress response refers to the body’s high-alert response to chronic ongoing stress. It’s well known that in CFS the nervous system is in a state of overstimulation (maladaptive stress response) causing a feeling of being “tired and wired” despite being exhausted, making it hard to fully rest.

Unique to Functional Wellness are cutting-edge mind-body-brain therapies that regulate your nervous system, retrain your brain, heal emotions or trauma, create positive mindset and behaviour changes, to repair neurological dysfunction, improve energy and body function and help prevent relapse.

Given the complexity we must dig deep, examining all aspects.

I always investigate the following for my clients with ongoing fatigue 


  • Insomnia, sleep apnoea, pain
  • Thyroid, hormonal and blood sugar imbalances
  • Poor diet, nutrient deficiencies, aneamia
  • Gut issues, dysbiosis, IBS, leaky gut, food allergies
  • Adrenal insufficiency
  • Toxin overload, medication side effects, environmental stressors


chronic stress, emotional shock, trauma, depression and anxiety, negative behavioral traits and thought patterns, personality sub-type predispositions, energy prioritisation, life purpose, unprocessed trauma, emotional well-being


alcohol, drugs, exercise, caffeine, night shifts, daytime naps

CFS onset is associated with mental, emotional stress combined with an acute trigger – physical illness or immunological stress. Progression can be immediate or gradually develop and worsen over time.

Specific investigations

I specialise in functional testing utilising the most relevant investigations only when needed.

  • Adrenal fatigue, burnout, unresolved trauma, PTSD 
  • Mental health, Thyroid, Hormones
  • Viruses, Epstein Barr Virus, Cytomegalovirus, HHV-6
  • Lyme disease or Lyme-like illness 
  • Mould illness  
  • Mast cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Histamine intolerance 
  • Hidden gut infections: Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth, pathogens, parasites, yeast, leaky gut 
  • Genetic issues: methylation, COMT, MTHFR  
  • Mitochondrial dysfunction 
  • Systemic inflammation 

I specialise in functional testing utilising the most relevant investigations only when needed.

How I help

Compassionate, Personalised Care

Every treatment plan is unique, designed to match each client’s unique presentation. An individualised approach supports more effective outcomes.

Different CFS phases, symptoms and severity require different treatment approaches and an understanding of how sensitive or responsive the body is. Poor physical or mental resilience, mean treatments that work for one person may be harmful for someone else. I prioritise treatment according to body systems most affected, pacing to match the bodies’ current capacity while helping relieve symptoms as much as possible.​

A combination of nutrition, diet, nutrigenomics, herbal medicine, gut, immune and hormone balancing, behavioural and lifestyle changes are implemented to suit your needs.

Results are strengthened when combined with therapeutic coaching and therapies that training the brain, autonomic nervous system, emotional healing and somatic-body work.

Therapeutic Wellness Coaching

Therapies include: Butekyo breathing, vagus nerve and somatic body techniques, Mindfulness, HeartMath, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT, tapping), Matrix Reimprinting, Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) and Neurofeedback brain training.

Managing your expectations. It can take a few months before some improvements are seen. Full recovery is highly dependent on: 

  • The person and at-home support  
  • Individual symptoms 
  • Specific underlying imbalances 
  • Capacity and readiness to implement changes 
  • How well you tolerate foods and supplements 
  • The length of time you have been unwell 
Carolyn is amazing. I felt so heard and understood. Her passion for health is contagious and she got me excited about learning to help myself in both my physical and mental health. She always gave me the time I needed and held space for me with her beautiful empathetic and compassionate energy. She definitely helped with my chronic fatigue and introduced me to neurofeedback and nervous system regulation therapies that changed my life! She has so much knowledge in so many different areas, I felt like I had choice about how to proceed. I would highly recommend Carolyn to anyone who has tried different practitioners and lost hope. Her kindness and warmth set her apart from so many other practitioners I’ve seen.
Claire W, 35
Peer Support Worker

Let me help navigate your recovery back to wellness.

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